
Response to the national brand call,Mitech is invited to attend export business summit of alibaba


In response to the national brand call, build a national brand and condense China's strength, Alibaba, as the world's largest cross-border e-commerce platform in May 10th, organized a great Beijing potential business summit in the Beijing century banquet hall, and Masters Launching Ceremony.As the strength brand representative of the nondestructive testing instrument in China's manufacturing industry, Mitech is invited to attend the meeting. This event will make the export business bigger and stronger, let the Chinese brand and the Chinese products be sold to more countries and regions in the network marketing topics, for the future foreign business of the businesses. Provide new ideas and new methods


In 2018,cross-border e-commerce took advantage of the situation,the data-driven cross-border era came quietly, new technologies and new starting points, opportunities and challenges coexist, rough era of fishing has become a thing of the past, supply chain efficiency is king, new cross-border the era of e-commerce will shine.Participants will share their experience in foreign trade of their respective industries, analyze the characteristics of each regional market, make good use of each other and create good results.Looking at the current international market structure, customers from different regions have their own characteristics.The participants of the conference have shared many topics on how to find customers, how to build their customers' trust, and how to build a professional foreign trade team. Each participant has benefited a lot.

With the development of the times and the wide application of electronic information technology, foreign trade has also entered a new era.The cross-border e-commerce platform has gradually developed into an important foreign trade model. Therefore, it is particularly important to grasp the trade pattern of the cross-border e-commerce platform and how to increase the exposure of the platform products.Moreover, the proposal ofthe Belt and Roadpolicy in the new period will help create a new pattern of Chinas all-round opening to the outside world and build a new pattern of an inclusive and mutually beneficial community.The core task of building thethe Belt and Roadis to develop the economy, and to consolidate and expand the situation in which China, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, and other countries and regions along the way are open to each other, and develop mutually beneficial cooperation to create a fair and uniform market competition environment and promote various The free flow of resources will continue to expand the scale and volume of economic development, optimize the economic structure, and benefit the people of all countries along the way.To speed up the development of foreign export business is a strategic choice for China to move from a big economic country to an economic power, from a big trade country to a powerful trade country, and has great strategic significance in the new period. Mitech will always respond positively to national policies, with the help of foreign trade platform, adhere to product innovation, achieve national brand, and create new brilliance of Mitech's international business.









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